Microwave Mayhem!
Just in case any of ya'll ever decide to microwave soap, don't. I was in my place
of work today, and as usual, i was scrubbing up bathrooms and doing janitor stuff.
(I'm working at the dorms for the summer in Milwaukee) The work sucks, and so does
the pay, but being a college student with no real work skills, it pays my bills.
I have to find my fun where I can when I am at work. Finding fun at work is generally
pretty destructive, but I think today was one of my more painful forays into
work place fun. As I scrubbed the tile shower walls with my doodle bug (that's
what 3M calls their shower scrubbers, no joke) I noticed that the last inhabitant left
their soap behind, it was a bar of blue happy zest, and it was barely used. I hate
it when people are wasteful, so I felt it was my duty to put the soap to use. I left
the bathroom and went into the lounge. Throwing the soap against the wall was
very tempting, but our crew had just cleaned the lounge. That would have been
counter productive. I looked across the lounge at the microwave. Little devil
Tyler appeared on my shoulder and dug the points of his pitchfork into my neck.
I knew what needed to be done, the soap needed to be prepared properly, after all
we all know uncooked soap carries deadly salmonila bacteria. So I placed the bar of
soap into the "radio range" and closed the door. Two minutes seemed resonable
for a portion on that size. I set the timer, hit start and resumed scrubbin piss
off of toilets. I kinda forgot I put the soap in the microwave and a couple minutes
later, I heard the west tower smoke alarms. I was rather concerned, so I went into
the lounge. The microwave was leaking white smoke and upon opening the door all the
burnt soap fumes quickly vacated and filled the room. Now, I am sure you have all had
soap in your eyes once or twice, well, liquid soap is all well and good, but when
the fumes are in your lungs, on your tongue, and in your eyes, it's a bit unbearable,
especially since you can't rinse it out. My co-workers complained on the smell and
burning eyes, and I tried hard not to laugh. As far as chaos is concerned, I'll
give it a 6, but it kinda sucked in the end.