People have visited, sad eh?

 Click the Cock to Mail Me

What's in Tyler's
CD Player right now?
-Beck, Midnight Vultures
-James Brown's greatest hits
-John Spencer Blues Explosion,
Extra Acme
-Beck, Stereopathetic

 Tyler's Bio / Info


Hello and Welcome ?
Yep, Here's another person who thinks
maybe, possibly, that you give 2 shits
about some person that you've never met
and most likely never will.  But ah hell
that's besides the point, I am bored and
need an outlet for my personal experience,
stupidity and other random blurbs, not
only that, but the added fact that
this gives me a chance to brush up
on my html and shit... read on if ya
like, oh ... I'm Tyler, pleased to meet

Ah, Tis friday... Toilets Cleaned: 2. Friday night, all dressed up and nowhere to go.
Well, ok, a friend is having a party, but I really don't feel like going over to her house.
She kinda sucks. It's one of those friendships that started out fine, then I discovered
that she is annoying and not trustworthy. Oh well, maybe if I go I can get my CD back.
She's had it for almost half a year and in my world, that is punishable by death. Oh I also
have added my bio page, it's not complete and if ya'll can give me some suggestions on
what else to add, please do. Think maybe tonight a good night to do some artistic shit
it's been a while since I have drawn anything, and now that my hand is healed from the
fan incident, it won't be painful.  Lesson learned: when you're 3 sheets to the wind,
don;t stick your hand in the wind machine.

Uh... hah!

If I drop the funk...

pick it up
get a mop
we're all funked

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Another day, another dollar.  Toilets cleaned: 8. Work blows and my horiscope is once
again sorta right and sorta wrong.  I'm saving money, like I should, by sitting in my
room and doing pointless bullshit.  But the love thing is all wrong.  Well, here, you
read it:
The Sun is in Leo and the Moon is going from
Taurus into Gemini. You're headed for a
wonderful day. You're lucky, your attitude is
excellent, and besides that, you're awesomely
good-looking. You may not be interested in making money,
but you might be interested in making time - the romantic
kind. Go for it.
Ok, let's pick this to shreds. If cleaning poop splatters and shower drains for $6.85
an hour is wonderful, I must be a bit behind the times. My attitude was... good I suppose
under the cirtcumstances. The good looking part is ok, I'll admit, I can be a bit narcisitic
vane and self absorbed at times. I should be, I am an only child and an Aries, they fule
the fire. Making money, well, I am interested, but not doing janitorial work. I need to
get real paid. As for making time, Hell yeah, but who? I can think of lotsa gals I'd make
time for.  Most of them are too far away or just nice to look at and hellish to spend time
with.  I call the hellish ones 'lunachicks'.  One lunachick I would make time for likes
clear the hell in the Netherlands. So to all you semi sane, gals out there, here I am, take
me.  Oh, and no vegetarians. over and out.
As if the sad state of this page isn't proof enough, here's a damn sign for more emphasis
I am workin' on lots of physical stuff right now like layout and flashy graphics, and
tryin to add some content while I'm at it... we'll see how that goes.  I am most likely
going to invest in a domain and a real hosting service as soon as money allows, I really
don't care for these free hosting services. Oh well. 
    ....coming soon, my bio and info and shit....
7/20  Microwave Mayhem!
Just in case any of ya'll ever decide to microwave soap, don't.  I was in my place
of work today, and as usual, i was scrubbing up bathrooms and doing janitor stuff.
(I'm working at the dorms for the summer in Milwaukee) The work sucks, and so does
the pay, but being a college student with no real work skills, it pays my bills.
I have to find my fun where I can when I am at work. Finding fun at work is generally
pretty destructive, but I think today was one of my more painful forays into
work place fun.  As I scrubbed the tile shower walls with my doodle bug (that's
what 3M calls their shower scrubbers, no joke) I noticed that the last inhabitant left
their soap behind, it was a bar of blue happy zest, and it was barely used.  I hate
it when people are wasteful, so I felt it was my duty to put the soap to use. I left
the bathroom and went into the lounge.  Throwing the soap against the wall was
very tempting, but our crew had just cleaned the lounge. That would have been
counter productive.  I looked across the lounge at the microwave.  Little devil
Tyler appeared on my shoulder and dug the points of his pitchfork into my neck.
I knew what needed to be done, the soap needed to be prepared properly, after all
we all know uncooked soap carries deadly salmonila bacteria.  So I placed the bar of
soap into the "radio range" and closed the door. Two minutes seemed resonable
for a portion on that size.  I set the timer, hit start and resumed scrubbin piss
off of toilets. I kinda forgot I put the soap in the microwave and a couple minutes
later, I heard the west tower smoke alarms.  I was rather concerned, so I went into
the lounge.  The microwave was leaking white smoke and upon opening the door all the
burnt soap fumes quickly vacated and filled the room.  Now, I am sure you have all had
soap in your eyes once or twice, well, liquid soap is all well and good, but when
the fumes are in your lungs, on your tongue, and in your eyes, it's a bit unbearable,
especially since you can't rinse it out.  My co-workers complained on the smell and 
burning eyes, and I tried hard not to laugh.  As far as chaos is concerned, I'll
give it a 6, but it kinda sucked in the end.